Books with Soundtracks: The Paradise Planets Sets a New Standard
Books with Soundtracks Have you ever wished your favorite book came with an original soundtrack, allowing you to immerse yourself in its...

Song Lyrics from The Paradise Planets Book Two
Here are the song lyrics from The Paradise Planets: The Abyss (Book Two) by Shaun Barrowes

Book Two is Finished
Book Two of The Paradise Planets is finished! Book Two of The Paradise Planets is finally finished! Back Cover: After a narrow victory in...

The Paradise Planets Song Lyrics
Song lyrics from the album for The Paradise Planets: The Fallen from Paradise by Shaun Barrowes. Uneven Sky Music and Lyrics by Shaun...

Star Scores in The Paradise Planets
In The Paradise Planets, there are Star Scores that separate the Gaians into classes. I thought I'd provide additional information on...

#1 on Amazon!
We just topped our first chart on Amazon! The Paradise Planets has sold THOUSANDS of copies and our goal is to reach 100,000 before the...