Nemalís Birth Song
A Nemalís birth song is a song parents give their children at birth and teach it to their communities. When a new baby is born, the...

Slang & Vernacular of The Paradise Planets
With the book taking place over a hundred years in the future, I felt it was only natural that people would be using much different slang...

A New Vulnerable
I've written and showcased my music over and over for the past 25 years. I'm used to getting mixed feedback on my original work. ...

Our First Editorial Review
A 4.2 out of 5 from my first official editorial review. Not bad! I'll take it. See below for the full review on The Paradise Planets...

Editing the Audiobook
Some jobs you just can't outsource. For one, the audiobook has to sound exactly like I've been hearing it in my head. I envisioned this...

The book is out, and now comes the grind
It goes without saying I'm not a household name. My career has had flashes of success; American Idol, Emmy-Nomination, International...

After four years, the BOOK is HERE!
Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more! Buy The Paradise Planets: The Fallen from Paradise today! Reviews are flooding in,...

The final five
As musicians, we often talk about the final 5% of a song. It's what sets the top songs of the world from all the rest. Producers and...